Here is a current list of people who have been bolted from the Super Secret Room.. Aintthebeercold, Amos Deerfield, ANGLE MISSY56 (I liked that one, They arent even smart enough to spell "angel"), bayvillenutcase, Bonniesback2, Bonnieisburnt2, Butterflybeme54, ChristopherK2, Chyandqt, Brendin8818, DundalkBrat, EnolaB29x, FUN W DUCKTAPE, GHBisZeekes, graceg19701, HAMANDBEANS9, Hollandmico, hrnyolman719x, Humpityhumps, Jnr60Johnson, KAG WAS HERE, Keithg1965c, KIRK CAPT, MANWITHBIGBOLT, marylandman here, millersvillebab4, MonicadoBrasil37, Niceneasy1015, Nightbreed28, nonamewanted2008, Padur1212, Pinkie11578, RedSkybay, RuffStuffRob69, Rooster2958, SarahDraws, Srjstr8pool, Svapam, Sweetchitty1, Takoma9270 Thomasnakeyman, Tiller814, Troy920, uglymarylanders, upgots4001, Whitelilly467 (clone), Whitelilly467 (clone) WidgetWatchrAnon, Xalan39o3x (clone).. The next time you see any of those names posting disrespectful things about the Super Secret Room you will understand where the anger comes from..