Schween of the Month..
With nearly a full week left in March, Kirk Capt as been named Schween of the month.. It was a tight race.. The old fag woulda won for his stalkerish Beth obsession but he doesnt matter enough to be nominated, Bonnie could win every month but that would just seem like piling on.. Larry was in the running for the fake girlfriend shit and just being an all around total douchebag, But in order to get top honor the person needed to demonstrate an act of schweenery so offensive that it sets them apart from the crowd.. After Kirk was bolted from the Secret Room he cried to Rose begging her to talk to me and let him back in.. After that didn't work he flung himself at the mercy of the weenie crowd and begged for forgivness.. They felt sorry for him and dried his tears and few even insisted he call them "sis" to ease his pain and suffering... What a loser ! While not quite as pathetic as when Redskytard got caught sending nasty emails about people she claimed were friends and had a sudden change of heart because everyone rejected her, Kirks actions were just plain pathetic, loserly and shameless..So its earned him the title of Schween of the month for march 2010